
Jack in the box

Jack gets his toys out

Weeks ago I picked Jack’s toys up from around the house I put them in a little cardboard box. The box was big enough to hold all his toys (he doesn’t have that many) and small enough that he could reach into it easily. He never got anything out. I had to go pull out a toy or two when it was play time.

Till Wednesday. That was the first time ever that Jack went into his toy box and took things out. I had to put them back in later that day to vacuum. This evening he took them out again. This seems like a good step forward to me.

And in the last 3 days we’ve bumped into 3 different women walking their dogs. As always, he’s fine with the dogs, but sometimes he stretches his leash as far away from the human as possible. He didn’t do that with any of these 3 women. In fact, he let 1 of those women reach down to him and get within about 8″ of his face. Amazing!

Finally, with our mild temps this week, twice I left Jack in the yard while I was out. Twice I came home and he wasn’t in his usual place – huddled on the cold stone steps – but was out in the yard.

So we’re making progress. Baby steps, but they’re still steps. On Tuesday he’ll meet the animal behaviorist for the first time. I can’t wait to see what he has to say.

7 comments to Jack in the box

  • Kimberly

    Hi Peg – I just caught up on your blog and this is great news about Jack! Small patient steps with this little guy, for sure. Best wishes for continued progress!

  • Peg Cherre

    Thanks, Judy, Alma, and Lynda. Jack and I will continue on this journey for as long as we’re together, for sure. That’s true of pets no matter when and how they arrive on your doorstep.

  • How cool that he’s growing into his relationships–not only with you, but with his environment and himself too. Thanks for sharing the journey; I too am interested in what the AB man will have to say ’bout our li’l bubby-dog.

  • Alma

    Good for Mr. Jack!! And good for you, Peg, for noticing the steps he’s taking!!

  • Judy T

    That’s such good news to hear Peg… all of it!!! I hope your dog whisperer has some great hints that will make life even better for you both!!!

  • Hooray! So much improvement in his life. That is one lucky dog. And he has discovered the joys of toy strewning…priceless! 😉

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks, Theresa. Like most healing, I expect we will have some setbacks, but that’s how life is. He does seem to be enjoying himself a bit more. Until he sees most men. 🙁

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