
They picked ME!

I just received official notification – my application for an Artist in the Community grant was selected for funding!

I am amazed! And a bit in shock. And scared – can I really do what I proposed? Will it take an ungodly amount of hours to accomplish? What will I have to forgo to be […]

Beat it

I had an aha moment while I was weaving yesterday afternoon.

I’ve been double beating my baby wraps. And this on the Macomber, which has a relatively heavy beater bar — much heavier than on my little counterbalance loom. Double beating definitely slows down the process, but I couldn’t manage to get the […]

Back to Babies

Once I got a good woven skyline for the juries, it was back to the orders I have for custom baby wraps. Next up was 2 friends, J & C, who wanted the same colors for their warp. One would have a black weft, one a navy, so the wraps would look very similar.


More Woven Skylines

I found enough off-white rayon chenille to warp my loom for 2 more clasped weft skyline scarves. My plan was to weave both as carefully as I could, and trust that one of them would be good enough for the jury.

I wove about 5″ on the first scarf and then wanted to do a […]

Handwoven Silk Shawls

The cayenne baby wrap finished the warp on the loom, leaving the Macomber empty. As planned, I focused on weaving pieces for my upcoming jurying. I’m getting anxious because time is ticking away and I don’t have the pieces I think will serve me well.

So I spent some time creating a draft for an […]