
More Progress

After weaving and finishing those 11 scarves I went off to do a show. It’s one that I love doing – the crowd is always so interesting and so supportive, the volunteers are helpful, and I get to work with my sister.

This year was no exception – Buffalo turned out for the Elmwood Avenue Festival of the Arts and appreciated the work of the artists and crafters who were there. It was again a very good show for me.

I came home, went back to work at my paycheck job, and again set to weaving, this time in rayon chenille since my next show is in October. I do love the finished product, and the actual weaving is quick, but oh, beaming that warp! I blissfully forget from year to year just how tedious and time consuming beaming rayon chenille is. It takes MUCH longer than beaming any other fiber I work with. Still, worth the effort to me.

On this four-day weekend I got two warps of three scarves each on and off the loom. Pretty good progress, if I do say so myself. Didn’t vacuum, but I did do some shopping & cooking, plus some other high-priority tasks.

One of them was taking a trip back to Angelica because my community weaving project was finally hung! I think it looks great out in front of Stacy’s pottery studio.
weaving is hung

When I did this project back in late July, no one anticipated it would take this long to get it in it’s sort of permanent location. I say sort of permanent, since none of us have a clue how long the weaving will last, and how much damage weather will wreak, particularly in the loosely woven areas.

I think it’s pretty amazing how different it looks from the front, with the building behind it, and from the back, standing on the door stoop with the sky behind it.

weaving from the back

I think it’s also cool just looking up at it.
looking up at the weaving

After taking these shots I went to the farmer’s market and bought the biggest cauliflower I’ve ever seen – for only $3.00! I came home and made a terrific cauliflower curry from the first Moosewood Cookbook. YUM!

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