
Upside Down Cone

Remember back in August when I said I was having trouble with the white rayon chenille yarn? I said it twisted uncontrollably, and that it had been wound on the cone backwards. I planned to wind it into balls before I wove with it again to get it wound forward.

Well, I had a custom […]

Reds & Purples – not just for old ladies

As I mentioned in the recent post about the Chino scarves, Tammy’s recent batch of dyeing was remarkably deep and rich in color.

Just like with the Chino, I’d used her Poinsettia colorway before and liked it, but I LOVE the new one. Made from three colors — two reds and a purple — […]

Handwoven Rayon Chenille Scarves

The lovely Tammy has come through again, hand painting yarn that’s absolutely stunning! Of course, I love all of her work or I wouldn’t keep buying it, but this last batch of rayon chenille is truly amazing. Tammy says that her process remains the same, what changes is the actual yarn she buys. Some […]

Handwoven Rayon Chenille Scarves

When I use variegated yarn in my handwoven textiles, which is very often, I usually buy Tammy’s wonderful hand painted yarn. Every now and then space-dyed yarns just call to me, and I must succumb to their voices.

Before you ask, I have NO idea why space-dyed yarns are called that. All I know is […]

Rayon Chenille Log Cabin

Back in March when I was doing the bamboo log cabin weaves, I thought I wanted to try it with handwoven rayon chenille. At that time I was weaving more for spring and summer, so rayon chenille had to wait.

I finally had a chance to try it. These scarves are in gold and […]