
Towels to come

I’ve finished weaving the 3 log cabin towels with yellow and that ‘confetti’ yarn. They’re cut off the loom but no hemming or wet finishing yet. I don’t think I either hate or love them, but I’m reserving judgement until they are wet finished.

I brought 9 towels to Cazenovia, but at least […]

More finishing and starting

You may have been curious about that last batch of hand painted silk. In the sink you saw that there was yellow in the warp, but in the photo of it being beamed, there was no yellow. What you saw being beamed was the first section I painted, before I added yellow to the […]

Showing — off??

As I’ve mentioned, for the month of April I’ll be in Cazenovia. Well, I won’t be, but some of my work will. I’ll be the Visiting Artist for the month with the Cazenovia Artisans. Today I’ll be choosing the pieces that will travel there, and using my new labels on them.

One of each […]

This took HOW long?

I haven’t liked my hang tags for a long time. A. Long. Time. I can document 3 years, because that’s when I posted a question on Weavolution in the Professional Weavers group. I’ve tried to remember to look at the tags of other weavers at shows, sometimes forgetting, other times unimpressed with what I […]

Not exactly as planned

I got those last 2 rayon chenille shawls woven and finished, but I don’t have pix yet, so you’ll see them later. Meanwhile, I did some more hand painting. My goal was a very deep magenta, a pale magenta, and undyed. After a bit of painting I decided to add some yellow to the […]