
9, 10, but no big fat hen

After my success with my handmade semi-rigid heddle, I thought I was set for the real thing. Yes, the yarns were slightly different, but that shouldn’t present a particular problem. So I measured out the warp I intended to use, beamed it, and threaded it through my new ‘equipment.’

Then the trouble started. I […]

Four more attempts

I am nothing if not persistent. After 4 attempts with the RALA logo I was not about to give up.

First I tried the same method as for attempt #4 – using my rigid heddle – this time paying very close attention to the width of the weaving and pulling each pick very tight. […]

Lots of work, little weaving

The forecast was for lots of rain from Wednesday evening to Friday morning, so I wanted to get the lion’s share of gardening done in advance. I didn’t take many photos, but here are a few.

Half of my front garden. Weeding done, annuals planted, mulch laid.

And the side garden. You can’t see […]

Rigid inkle pickup

I need to do some demonstrations at 2 shows this summer. I always use my rigid heddle loom and weave functional scarves. In typical Peg fashion, I decided that this year I wanted to shake things up a bit. Ergo that attempt with the triangle loom. So I figured I’d try some inkle-type pickup weaving […]

TerraNOTTA woven

I’ve been weaving like mad, but getting everything fringed, wet finished, and photographed takes time. So you’ll see one warp of scarves per post.

First up is that TerraNOTTA warp. That’s the tencel that I hand painted in colors that were decidedly NOT what I wanted, and decided to overdye in blue. I thought […]