
Towels & tootsies

I got 8 towels woven. Natural (unbleached & undyed) cotton threaded in point twill, 4 different tie ups, 2 of each weave pattern.

First I wove what I call a flower pattern. Wasn’t my favorite in real life, nor did I like dark that yarn – which was very cool on the cone – as […]

I’m in love

I know, I know, I usually love whatever just came off the loom, but this time I think it’s a long-lasting love, not just a passing crush.

In the last post you saw my work hand painting two bouts of yarn – a terra cotta and an intended teal that was actually turquoise. Neither […]

Not like me

My regular readers will know I am not a sampler. I don’t put extra warp on the loom, weave a piece, cut it off, and wet finish it to learn things. I just go for it.

Why, then, did I feel a need to do some sample dyeing? I can’t really say. But I did […]

Black and white and more

I’ve completed four pieces so far this month: three scarves and a shawl.

You saw the beginning of the new-to-me-Tara-Oftenorth weaving draft here. I wove off all three scarves, fringed, and wet finished them.

My favorite is still the first one, with the marine silk weft.

Although it works fine in closeup, I’m still […]

More black & white

When I painted that black & white warp for scarves that I wove in December, I also painted a warp for shawls. Here it is going on the back beam, with 4 narrow bouts of solid black in between the 5 bouts of handpainted.

No matter the colors, I always respond well to this […]