
Safe at home

I’m an introvert by nature, so staying at home is easy for me. I have everything I need, and most things I want, here in my little house. The reality is that I ‘trained’ for this. For 14 years I lived all alone on a dirt road, with my nearest neighbor almost 1/2 mile away. […]

End of week 2

Like everyone else in NYS, I’m staying home. Walking solo, as I always do. Had to go to the grocery store once, and I’ll be good for at least another week, probably 2. Could actually eat out of my cupboards and freezer for much longer if I didn’t run out of produce & dairy.

Here’s […]

Calm, cool, and collected

Or maybe I’m not what the title of this post says, but at least I’m trying. And the colors I’m working with are reinforcing that.

I started knitting these socks months ago. Although I pretty much always have socks on my needles, this pair took much longer than usual due to my thumb tendonitis. I […]

I’m like a crow

I’m not necessarily attracted to shiny things, but “Oooo…that’s a cool technique, let me try that.” “Oh look, there’s another one; I should try that.” “Wow, that one’s marvelous; I need to do that.”

And so it goes. I never have/make the time to fully explore one thing before I’m on to the next. […]

Next multi warp

I’ve wound several strands of different colors on my warping mill for my next run of 3 scarves. Includes some handpainted (not by me) bamboo-cotton blend, cotton, and tencel. I really like the way they look on the mill.

And a different view, with them chained and bundled on the floor.

Wonder […]