
Lots of work, little weaving

The forecast was for lots of rain from Wednesday evening to Friday morning, so I wanted to get the lion’s share of gardening done in advance. I didn’t take many photos, but here are a few.

Half of my front garden. Weeding done, annuals planted, mulch laid.

front garden

And the side garden. You can’t see much, but the same work was done all the way down the line…weeding, annuals, mulching. I think about 60 feet of it.
side garden

I also did the same work on about 30 feet of bed behind and next to the house.

I also improved the bed for and subsequently planted tomatoes with their companion marigolds and Carmen sweet peppers. Before the planting, Jack thought the mulch was the best thing ever. I must say I’ve never seen him do anything like this before…his back feet were pretty much straight up, and he was motionless for well over a minute.

Jack in the mulch

I re-worked the RALA logo and tried it out. The design is better still, but I didn’t pull the weaving nearly tight enough. It’s too wide, especially on the right half of the logo. I’m going to try again, and see how long it takes to complete one logo.

RALA logo version 4

Today, in addition to groceries, pet food store, and other errands, I’m continuing to work on re-labeling all my previously woven work and labeling the new work. I’ve spent at least 3 hours already, and probably that much more to go. The good news is that this is a good opportunity for me to see just what I have in my inventory for the show season.

5 comments to Lots of work, little weaving

  • Alma

    Good for you, and good for Mr. Jack. I guess if you could photograph ecstasy, he’d be nearby!!

    You’re right – the logo is getting better.

  • Peg Cherre

    Judy – Spring is absolutely my favorite time in the garden. Always has been. Beautiful and not yet overwhelming.

    Theresa & Mary – Jack can be a scamp. Although that was a new behavior, something about the smell of the mulch always makes him need to take some bites of it. I decided many years ago that I wouldn’t try to keep my dogs out of my gardens, figuring that they couldn’t really differentiate between this piece of ground and that one. And that my animals are more important to me than my plants.

  • Mary

    Oh, Jack! You scamp!!
    Also, your gardens are lovely.

  • LOL, my dogs love to lay around in freshly turned dirt and such too. Maybe it’s cool. The beds look fantastic!

  • Judy T

    Lovely Peg! I love the sight of freshly planted garden beds in the Springtime when the colors are so vibrant! Thanks for sharing!

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