
Back up

grapevine twist

After the last post my back healed. But then my stomach left me. Except for a few trips to the bathroom, I slept from 10PM on Friday night till 7AM on Sunday morning. My daughter graciously brought Jack to her house since I couldn’t walk him, or even hang out in my yard with him. Horizontal was the only option. Don’t know if it was a stomach flu or food poisoning, and frankly, don’t care. It was nasty and caused me to miss weekend activities that I’d been looking forward to for weeks.

No worries, readers, I’m back to 100% now. But I obviously didn’t get anything done for a few days.

I’ve found a park within walking distance of my house. Deer in the lawns nearby are a common sight. Can you see the new antlers on the buck (at right)? They’re still in velvet.
deer on lawn

With a round trip of about 4-1/2 miles from leaving to returning to home, I can get about 1 of those miles in a beautiful woods.
woods trail

Look closely to the right of the photo and you’ll see the spotted fawn behind the greenery. Mom was only about 10′ from me, and watched me walk by but didn’t bolt.
doe and fawn

About 2 miles of the trip takes me on a little-traveled road by the bay. Can you pick out the great blue heron?
heron in bay 1

The bird wasn’t at all interested in watching me, but took off pretty quickly.

heron takes off

Watching it take to the air was much better in person than the photos show.
heron taking off 1

These are truly large birds. Graceful. Impressive. Beautiful. I can see their relationship to the dinosaurs.

heron takes wing2

Back on the home front, I pulled my first carrot.
1st carrot

It looks so impressive. But it tasted so bad. Woody and bitter. I did some online research after that, and learned that carrots do best with warm days and cool nights. Although I planted my carrots early enough, our hot days and nights were not good conditions for them. I’m going to wait another few weeks and re-plant.

But I have gotten a nice potato crop.

potato harvest

This is my total harvest. I think I planted more than 15 potatoes, but only had 7 grow. Of them, 5 were small plants and 2 were big, so I think this is a decent return on investment. They’re hardening off a bit before I bring them inside. But maybe I’ll have to cook a few for dinner tonight. 🙂

Parting shot: a lovely evening.

night sky

5 comments to Back up

  • Alma

    You made me laugh! Babies and baby toys, indeed!

  • Peg Cherre

    Theresa – Jack is doing ok. Made it to his annual vet appointment without one minute of cowering under my chair – quite an improvement! He’ll always have is physical and emotional issues.

    Judy – Although it was quite nasty, it didn’t last long. And better last weekend than this weekend.

    Alma – Irondequoit Bay Park West is where I took all those photos. And the next 2 carrots were smaller but tasted fine. The potatoes are mostly quite average sized, except for those tiny pea-sized ones. Jack likes babies and baby toys.

  • Alma

    So sorry to hear you’ve not been feeling well. I’m awfully glad to hear your better now.

    What park is this that you found?

    I would have thought your carrot would have been sweet and wonderful. How disappointing it was for you! Your baby potatoes are lovely, and I sure hope they cook up week!

    How did Jack make out with the boys and Baxter?

  • Judy T

    How lovely your walk is Peg! Thanks for sharing. I’m sorry you were so under the weather, but happy to hear you’re now feeling much better! See you soon.

  • Oh yuck, tummy troubles are the pits! Sorry you missed anticipated activities. What a wonderful little walk we got to go on though. Thank you. How is Jack doing? Any better with his joints and confidence level?

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