
Faster than fast

The last 3 warps I wove were slow. First was the 8 harness shadow weave. Two colors in the weft = 2 shuttles = slow weaving.

Next up was the brown silk, in which I had to hand insert sequins into every 56th pick for the length of the scarf.

Third was the little boxes on green. Again, 2 shuttles = slow.

So by the time I got to the red warp, I’d really forgotten how quickly weaving can go when it’s simple treadling, narrow width, 1 color weft. The colors are not at all realistic in the next shot, which looks very pink.

weaving red spots

This is my interpretation of a draft in Sharon Alderman’s book, Mastering Weave Structures (p. 230). The color in this close up is much closer to real life.

weaving red spots-close up

I love the interplay of warp & weft threads. It reminds me very much of a well-used graphic of clasped hands – which of course I couldn’t find right now, but this photo gives you the idea.

clasped hands

I used cherry for the warp and spice for the weft – both tencel. I tried a few other colors for weft, but stuck with the spice for all three scarves (very unlike my usual practice). I got all three woven in one day!

I’ve now finished the fringe and wet finished these scarves, as well as pressing them, the little boxes, and the shadow weave. I’ll try to get some decent pics of all today…we’ll see how it goes since I have company coming for dinner and have prep still to do.

So next on the loom is the first of my painted warps! It was not fun to beam, only because I inserted 4 solid mini-bouts into the warp – so 5 bouts warped together – and things got a bit challenging in the process.

beaming different bouts

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