
Happy Grandma

Last week I went to Rochester to spend time at the Lilac Festival with my daughter and grandson. They have more than 200 varieties of lilacs in the park as well as plenty of other trees, shrubs, & plants to admire.

After enjoying the park we went back to their house for lunch and fun. I was surprised to get two Mother’s Day presents, made just for me by the little one.

Some weeks earlier they’d gone to a place where you could paint your own pottery. This is a swell mug I got.

mug painted by toddler

In addition to being colorful, it’s huge, so I can enjoy a really large cup of tea. I was happy. And even more surprised that there was another gift, too – a painting, complete with frame.

toddler painting

I think the color play is just lovely, and the whole thing is cheerful.

How lucky am I?!

Thanks, Rusty!

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