
Weaving Blue Violet Scarves

handwoven scarves - blue-violetI’m still working on bamboo cotton handwoven scarves. I really like this colorway of Tammy’s, which she calls Blue Violet. And it sure is. It even includes a nice deep green like the leaves of a violet. Pretty, pretty, pretty.

Again, I wove each of the scarves on this warp slightly differently.  On the left is a simple point twill woven with the same weft as warp.  It’s nice and flexible as well as lovely colors.

The middle scarf has a weft of 10/2 periwinkle pearl cotton.  It’s an exact match for one of the colors in the bamboo cotton, and the slight sheen of the pearl cotton is a really nice counterpoint to the matte of the bamboo cotton blend.  But even nicer than that, the pearl cotton is so fine gauge that this handwoven scarf is as light as air.  I just love it.

The scarf on the far right and draped across the top has that same pearl cotton weft, this time in a simple point twill.  The scarf is just as light and airy, and the weave pattern just a bit less complex. The two scarves with the pearl cotton weft end up being 65% cotton and 35% bamboo. The other two have are 65% bamboo and 35% cotton.

handwoven infinity scarfAgain, I made the last scarf on the warp into an infinity scarf. This one again has the same warp as weft, this time woven in a tabby pattern. Even though tabby is a bit less flexible than twill weaves, the bamboo cotton fiber itself is so wonderful drapey (is that a word?) that it moves and twists easily into whatever wrapping style you like.

Your turn: what kind of great mixes have you done in different yarns for warp and weft?

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