
Weaving Classic Towels

Back in January when I was working on that special order for placemats & napkins I just got the table linens bug. In the process of getting those woven I also wove 9 small towels on the sample warp that got rejected for the special order.

Then I wanted to make something bright & cheery, so wove 14 placemats & a runner in rainbows.

I still wasn’t done. Next I wanted to weave towels. Classic towels. I ordered some white, unmercerized cotton & used some of the blue I had from a few years ago. First I wove 4 plaid towels.
handwoven blue plaid towel

These are my absolute, all-time, for sure, FAVS! I love, love, LOVE these towels. They are really generously sized. I wasn’t thinking totally clearly when I was weaving and should have stopped a whole plaid pattern shorter. Too bad! Whoever buys these towels will be grateful for their size, I’m sure. Unfortunately making them so long means I only got four towels where I should have gotten five.

Although I love these towels (did I mention that already?) I don’t love working with three shuttles for the three warp colors. It really slows down my weaving process. Part of me thinks it’s because I don’t weave with multiple shuttles enough, most of me thinks it’s just because it’s a slower process.

Anyway, for the second half of the warp I used a solid white weft…and made the towels a more ‘normal’ length. These striped towels are swell; if I hadn’t seen the plaid ones I’d think these were the nuts. (I’m sure no one uses that expression anymore!)
handwoven blue striped towel

My walking foot for the sewing machine made hemming these towels a dream. I’m in love with this little attachment.

I still wasn’t done with towels…you’ll see the last batch in the next post. A reminder, only a few days left to get in on my blogiversary giveaway – you’ll get one of my handwoven towels!

10 comments to Weaving Classic Towels

  • Pam B

    What kind of loom…I have rigid heddle knitters loom and am really drawn to your blue plaid

    • Peg Cherre

      Pam – I used my 4-harness counterbalance loom for these towels, but they’re all plain weave so could certainly be done on a rigid heddle loom if you have enough width.

  • […] the other hand, my handwoven towels have sold – not like gangbusters, but enough to make me want to weave more. The classic blue […]

  • Alma

    Yellow and white would be very spring-y, too. I’m so glad you discovered the walking foot – – never thought to mention it to you when I got mine years back!

    • Peg Cherre

      You’re right, Alma – yellow & white would be nice. I don’t have any yellow, nor, unfortunately, any time. I’m really behind on scarves since I wove so many placemats & towels.

  • Ellie

    I love these happy, springy blue plaid towels! Something about their crisp welcoming blues and white welcomes the spring (is it here yet???) season. As a weaver, do you find yourself repeatedly drawn to certain colors and patterns with seasonal change?

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks, Ellie. I don’t think I find myself drawn to colors by the seasons…I tend to gravitate to the same color palette over and over, and try to break out periodically because my palette isn’t everyone’s palette and my customers need choice.

  • Judy T

    I’m with you Peg – the stripes are great but the plaid is really “it”!

    • Peg Cherre

      Yeah, if I had time (hah!) I’d make more of these. And I’d make some similar with the red yarn that’s due to arrive very soon. Hey, ya gotta start somewhere – maybe they’ll be admired but not purchased as shows, maybe they’ll sell like hotcakes.

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