
Starting Meghan’s Wrap

The fuchsia yarn arrived and I can get started on the baby wraps – finally!

Last night I measured two bouts on the new-to-me warping mill. First came the darkest color – dark mauve.

The warping mill is much quicker than measuring on the warping board, but it still wasn’t quick. This first bout […]

Getting Ready for Baby…

…Baby wraps, that is.

I mentioned that my insert eye heddles arrived. In a big bundle of 200.

For non-weavers, each thread in a warp goes through the eye of a heddle. That heddle is on a harness, which is what gets raised or lowered to make a weaving pattern. Here’s a closeup of […]

Handwoven Baby Wraps

In early September I got an email from a woman who’d seen my website and wanted to know if I’d weave her a custom baby wrap. I’m happy to do so, so we exchanged lots of emails to decide on pattern (hearts), color, size, and price by late in the month.

While this exchange was […]

Handwoven Silk Scaves

I’ve been weaving for six years. In weaverly terms, that’s really nothing. I read articles, blogs, and posts on Weavolution by women and men who’ve been at this craft/art for half a century. Heck, my first weaving class was taught by a man in his 80’s who learned to weave rag rugs as a boy […]

Huck Patterned Shawls

I know I’m really short on shawls for the coming show season. I also know that shawls take more than twice as long to wind the warp, twice as long to thread the heddles and reed, twice as long to do the hemming. Still, I felt like I needed to weave more shawls. So I […]