

It’s been a wild ride, hasn’t it? We’ve all done – or at least attempted to do – things that make us happy, help us retain some sense of our sanity while we tighten our grip on our health and our loved ones. Sometimes those activities and those grips are virtual, sometimes they’re in real […]

Waddaya do

You got all that undyed cotton. And you recently picked up a large shoebox full of dyes from another weaver/dyer. So what do you do? You dye, of course!

Before the cotton actually arrived I measured out a Tencel warp for a scarf – mostly one handpainted colorway with a second, much smaller, that I’d […]

Some good things, some ????

In my last post I showed you a piece of weaving produced on my inkle loom, and told you that I was working on a project I hoped to submit to a show. After much work, I now think I have all the weaving done. Some finish work remains, and I have to determine how […]

And now it’s October

I sound more and more like my mother – like everyone’s mother – every day. Where does the time go? Last time I looked it was mid-September, and now it’s rapidly closing in on mid-October. And when I try to figure out what I did in the past month, I can’t come up with a […]

New stuff

I finished that warp of 9 towels in the random Fibonacci stripe pattern. Used 6 different wefts and treadled just 2 different twills. Four of them – not sure which ones yet – will go to our Guild’s towel exchange.

Don’t they make a lovely fall flower?


My son has […]