
More Bzzzzzz Biz

I was sitting at my computer desk this morning, entering the sales information from my weekend show, when I realized I was hearing a buzzing noise. And that I was hearing it over the moderate level of NPR bringing me the morning news. Uh, oh. That means bees are swarming again. Get up & go […]

Shiny Car

I’ve never been a real car buff. All that’s important to me is that my vehicle starts and stops when I want it to, gets me where I need to go, and is comfortable enough that I can stand up straight when I arrive. I do recognize the beauty in an old classic, however. My […]

Bee Story

The bee story starts a decade ago, so you don’t even want the Reader’s Digest Condensed version, but only the short-short version. And if this seems long, trust me, it’s short.

A swarm of bees splits off from the main hive when nature signals them to. For reasons only a little bee brain can determine, […]


This week’s photo challenge from Carmi is big. I was torn between a few pictures, and finally settled on this. My son, his bloodhound Dixie, my friend Margaret, and I visited this very cool geologic phenomenon near me last summer, Rock City. We didn’t have quite as long as we would have liked there because […]

Visiting Baxter

On Sunday my family had a little get-together in Rochester, at at my grandson’s house. Ok, my daughter really owns the house, but Baxter rules it.

Since they’d had such a good time playing in the country, my little guy, Red, wanted to visit Bax’s in the city, even if it meant putting up with […]