
Hawks and Hugs

Before we start talking about weaving, I have to share info and pix about nature. Apparently not an uncommon occurrence, especially during migration season, I have never witnesses a ‘kettle’ of hawks before. And it was completely by accident that I saw this group on Sunday. I just happened to go outside and look up.

kettle of hawks, 1

There in the clear blue sky were red-tailed hawks. Literally hundreds of them. Every speck in this image is a bird, and I certainly didn’t capture them all in one shot. I know this isn’t a wonderful photo, but it was the best I could do, as these birds weren’t going to stay above me forever.

I am used to seeing a red-tailed or two, and I’m familiar with their calls. This group of hundreds? Not a sound!

kettle of hawks, 2

So if I hadn’t decided I needed a break from the loom at this precise moment, and hadn’t happened to look up instead of at my phone, I would have totally missed it. WOW!!

Ok, on to more fiber-y pursuits.

Shortly after my last post I gathered some yarns from my stash and designed a warp for my April woven hugs. Gradations of pink, lilac, blues, and cranberry. All warp threads are cotton, mostly 3/2 and 5/2 – thicker than I usually work with.

warp for April hugs, chained

I measured and beamed the warp, happy with what I’d done. As with March, I decided on a simple point twill threading and treadling.

beaming the woven hugs for April

After I was about half-way through the first hug I noticed this:

skipped dent in April hugs

I’d missed a dent in my reed. Since this part of the warp is mostly 3/2 cotton, I decided I would let it ride through the end of this hug, repairing it prior to starting the second piece on the warp. Which I did.

I don’t have great process shots for you, but here I just cut all 3 off the loom.

3 April hugs fresh off the loom

I wove the first one with a variegated rayon-cotton rick rack yarn, for lots of both color and texture. The second is a bright peacock 3/2 cotton, and the third a nice 3/2 turquoise. Right after this photo I took them to my sewing machine for the bit of straight stitching to secure the edges. They’re in my washing machine now. Then to the dryer, then my hand hemming.

As with all of my hugs, I will happily gift them to someone struggling with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia. The hug can be for the person with the disease or their loved one/caregiver. Based on what you can see in this photo, let me know if you’d like one of this batch.

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