
Safe at home

I’m an introvert by nature, so staying at home is easy for me. I have everything I need, and most things I want, here in my little house. The reality is that I ‘trained’ for this. For 14 years I lived all alone on a dirt road, with my nearest neighbor almost 1/2 mile away. So this is no biggie.

buds on a Cornelian Cherry

buds on my Cornus mas – Cornelian Cherry

I’ll need to get some more groceries by the end of the week, but that’ll be a whole month since I went last – a month with no public contact. And I’ll do all the things I should do when I go out, ordering what I can in advance for pickup to my trunk, wiping everything down with disinfectant when I get home, etc.

crocus blooms

I do feel badly for those people, from little kids to great-grands, who are having physical and/or emotional difficulties with the social distancing.

I have gotten my weaving mojo back, and decided now was the time to use a weave structure I’ve wanted to try for a while. I like weaving twill blocks, and this was a modification that really appealed to me. Towels seemed like the perfect ‘vessel’ for my first attempt.

I loaded the loom and wove 8 towels. Here they all are right after coming off the loom – they still need to be washed, dried, cut apart, and hemmed.

handwoven multicolored towels

I also spent a bit more time in front of my computer and loaded 3 more wearables onto my website. You can see them all here.

One of the newly listed items is wrap I finished from the multi-colored hand painted fine cotton warp. I like the fact that Jack is photo bombing this one. 🙂

handwoven Caribbean Dreams wrap

The rest of the warp is waiting to be cut and sewn into a garment. My lightweight iron-on interfacing tape should arrive in the mail in several days, and I’m not cutting anything until then.

Meanwhile here’s my advice to everyone: stay home, stay well, stay creative!

2 comments to Safe at home

  • What bright cheery towels – I love them!

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks, Cindie. I’m quite happy with how they turned out. I’ll call them my Safe At Home I towels. I’m thinking there will be at least 2 more runs of towels while we’re staying home, likely all different designs and/or structures. But towels aren’t my next up.

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