
A few more pieces

I only have a few more days before my first show, so I’m finishing my last few items. I wove them on a warp I hand painted.

Here’s the thing…I obviously can’t reliably predict how the color will look from wet to dry yarn. My inspiration was Design Seeds sugared tones.

Design Seeds sugared tones

Nice summery pastels, right? HAH! Here’s what I ended up with.

2 new hand painted warps

We can all agree – Not. Even. Close.

So, how would I proceed? Well, if I wanted to tone it all down, I’d use a white weft. That’s what I did for the first scarf.

handwoven scarf of handpainted tencel yarns-sugared tones

Much closer to the intent. And I like the random switching of the treadling pattern.

However, since I’d dyed some weft yarn to coordinate, I wanted to use it. I’m calling this one sugar & grapes.

handwoven scarf of handpainted yarns-grapes

Then, because I was clearly barely sufficient with the number of my cowls, I wove the last two into short-ish cowls instead of one fringed scarf. First I used a gold weft. Also reminiscent of the original intent.

handwoven cowl, handpainted yarns

Finally I used a grayed-blue yarn, giving the cowl a denim-like appearance.

handwoven cowl from handpainted yarns

On to the many off-loom and/or administrative tasks that need to be done before the show.

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