
An even dozen

I didn’t manage to finish those polka dot towels in May, but I did complete 6 more scarves, for a total of 12. Those 3 scarves with the gold-wrapped rayon boucle took a long time to finish, what with tying an overhand knot on each of those fancy threads and then dipping each into a bit of FrayCheck. But since the FrayCheck was effective in my sample, I continued.

glitter gold scarf with sienna stripe

Two of the scarves have one selvedge with sienna and white stripes of various widths. I wasn’t at all sure of that brown, so for that last I pulled out all of the brown threads and moved the white closer to the fancy yarn. I think I like that one best.

glitter gold scarf with white

I think you can actually see the gold in the yarn in this close up of the finished fabric.

glitter gold scarf, close up

Then, after looking at them for literally years, I finally decided to weave a 4-color echo scarf. Not having done it before, I appropriately chose tencel as opposed to the silk I had initially intended. I used four colors of 8/2 tencel – baby pink, bright blue, bright green, and red-violet. I chose to pick a threading and treadling from Robyn Spady’s May 2018 issue of Heddlecraft. She called it aurora borealis, which works for me. For the first scarf I used 20/2 mercerized cotton in dark purple.

(Do you like the fact that Dolly came outside for today’s photo shoot?)

aurora borealis scarf 1

Although the recommendation is to use a dark weft in a size substantially smaller than the warp, I ignored both of those recommendations for the second scarf, using a smokey blue 8/2 rayon. The breeze lifted the long end of the scarf here so you can see the design a bit better than when it was flat. Personally, I prefer the lighter color weft.

aurora borealis scarf 2

For the last scarf I played at my computer for a bit, changing the tie up and treadling. I again picked an 8/2 tencel yarn, in black this time, and I think it looks like an oil slick. I don’t know if my customers will like that name, though. 😉

Oil slick scarf

I may do more 4-color echo again, but not immediately. The treadling was complex enough that I couldn’t listen to audio books or even music while I was weaving. 🙁

I have a silk warp on the loom now. No pix at this point.

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