
More rayon chenille shawls

You saw the blue & green rayon chenille shawl that I’d sewn in the back for that V shape, but I never posted photos of the one that I left straight.

bllue green shawl, flat

I like the clarity of the colors without that variegated weft. I also like the fact that since there’s no seam, it can be woven with either the blue predominating…

blue-green shawl, blue in front

…or the green.

blue-green shawl, green in front

Of course, once you toss an end over your shoulder you see both colors well.

blue-green shawl, draped

After those spring-like colors I went for more saturated, rich colors. I think I’m going to call these 2 royal gems. Here’s the one I sewed.

royal gems shaped shawl, front

You can see that I made it a bit longer than that first one. Much better, I think, although #3 will be longer still.

And here’s the back.

royal gems shaped shawl, back

Yesterday I finally made it to Joanns and bought a few yards of a cheap doubleknit so I can play a bit with the correct angle of that seam. I want to avoid the pointy-ness that a long dart creates, and instead round that bottom seam a bit, I’m just not sure how to do it. I didn’t think muslin would drape enough to show me, ergo the knit fabric.

Here’s the wrap I didn’t stitch.

royal gems shawl, on rod

I really like these colors. A lot. And rayon chenille never fails to thrill me with its drape, sheen, and luxury. I’m confident both of these will sell.

royal gems shawl, draped

I’ve also woven 3 each of red and blue rayon chenille scarves, but haven’t photographed them yet. I’m working on one more run of 2 rayon chenille shawls, and then I will move on to other fibers. I just wanted to get these done ASAP so I can send one of each to the Copper Shop, and they are needed there before 9/29.

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