
This took HOW long?

an old tag

I haven’t liked my hang tags for a long time. A. Long. Time. I can document 3 years, because that’s when I posted a question on Weavolution in the Professional Weavers group. I’ve tried to remember to look at the tags of other weavers at shows, sometimes forgetting, other times unimpressed with what I saw.

As shown above, my old tags were printed on card stock. Federal law requires that every item is marked with fiber content and care instructions. I had to create tags specifically for every fiber and fiber combo that I used. Invariably I didn’t have the tags I needed when I was preparing for a show and had to make new ones. Then I’d write the size and some kind of title on the tag so that when the item was purchased I might have some clue for my records what it was.

The tags were marginally acceptable on day one, but when the piece got rolled and packed up for the night, the odds that the tag would be wrinkled were high, so it didn’t take long for them to look ratty.

A few months ago I decided I couldn’t wait any longer to upgrade my tags. I talked to a local printer and was pleased that they had a somewhat flexible, durable, non-rippable stock they could print on.

Then I set about designing the new tag. The new stock (called Poli Print) couldn’t be folded well (a good thing) to make a tiny booklet, which was my original vision, so I had to re-design a few times. The tag had to be small enough to look good, have all the information I needed on it for various fibers and care instructions, plus my branding and contact info.

I got them back early this week, and although not perfect, I figure after 3 years they are just fine.

a new tag

I will check the appropriate lines for fiber content and care instructions. I’m betting it won’t be long before I use some fiber that isn’t listed, but I tried to include all the ones I use. Then I’ll still have to hand write the size and title, which I wish I didn’t have to do since I think it detracts from the professional look, but typing that info on small labels (like return address label size) and then sticking them on seems problematic, too, although I may try a few.

People have to be able to see both sides of the tag, so I can’t simply pin them to the piece as I did with the old tags. I spent last night cutting strings for hanging, knotting and trimming, and inserting them in the hole, and got 125 tags done. I cut the strings for another 300 tags, and may do some more knotting, trimming, and inserting tonight. My obsessive nature likes to get things like that done in advance.

Three years — can you believe it?!

9 comments to This took HOW long?

  • Jennifes

    Alright, perfect!

  • Jennifes

    Devils Advocate Where will you put the price?

    • Peg Cherre

      Jennifes – I think the price will still hang on a separate price tag, on the same pin as holds this tag on. I have considered those little stick-on-and removable tags for pricing, but haven’t tried them yet.

  • Carol

    I like the tag!

    I couldn’t find a show schedule for you. Are you still doing shows?

    I was wondering if you have ever been a vendor at the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival? ( I’ve heard it’s the largest one of its kind in the U.S.

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks, Carol.

      I’ve never been a vendor at any of the fiber festivals, as the ones I’ve been to focus on wools, and I do very little weaving with wools.

      Regarding shows, I do still do a limit number of shows. Your comment prompted me to update the page on website with 2017 shows, even though the applications just went out for some of them and I won’t know if I’ve been accepted for several weeks. Here’s the link to that page. You can also find my work in my Etsy shop, or make arrangements to visit me in my studio!

  • Peg Cherre

    Cindie – I had initially planned a little booklet, but had to switch when this stock came up. I’m hoping it will work well for me, but only time will tell.

    Theresa – My tags are a tiny bit short for my taste in a bookmark, but I’m sure I’ll end up using the ones I mess up for that purpose. 😉

    Alma – I’m not offended by the back; at least that’s a step in the right direction. Not sure how I’ll put the individual info on it yet.

  • Alma

    Now, see, there you go being creative again! I do like the front of the card (especially the fact that you have the Roycroft info written out. The back? I don’t know how else you can do it, having so many fibers and care instructions to include.

  • Very pretty and informative too. I can vouch for how nice Cindie’s tags are, but I’m thinking these would be just as nice and make great bookmarks! 😉

  • Very nice!
    I have a tag printed for my handwovens too, it’s a folded one with my logo on the front, fiber/care instructions/title on the back and a little ‘story’ on the inside. But having a folded tag can be a pain at times so I’ve been thinking of including the same info but on a tag that doesn’t fold……when these run out. I do like the idea of the stock you’re using – I’ll have to write that down.

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