
Some weaving progress

For the last few weeks I’ve been spending lots of hours in front of my computer. Not my favorite way to spend my time, but needed right now.

I’m back to working on my Certificate of Excellence (COE), and in addition to 40 woven samples, it requires lots of written work, too. I feel like I’m writing a college research paper, and the expectation of the output is somewhat similar. While the suggestion from the knowledgeable folks at the Handweavers’ Guild of America is to do all the written parts first, I just can’t. I need to get up and weave. My butt and my brain can handle a finite amount of screen time, and it’s definitely shorter than it used to be. Plus I need to write a bit and then cogitate. After I get the current section (I’m on page 7 already) written I’ll print it out and re-read, likely making plenty of edits. Then I’ll do the same thing with the pages I wrote several months ago and see if they sound like they were written by two different people (I hope not). The next COE submission deadline is in the fall of 2018, and I assume I’ll be working on it until then.

I’m also working on a relatively short grant application for as the (volunteer) General Coordinator of the Weaving and Fiber Arts Center. That’s due November 3rd, so has to be done soon. Thank goodness!

Meanwhile, I have actually been weaving. Based on COE info received, I have to re-do some of the weaving samples I thought I’d already completed. This one, done in plain weave, should have been a piece of cake. NOT! I had three failed attempts before I got this one that I believe meets all the standards.

COE sample #22, redone

It’s important to use a variety of fibers and finishing techniques for the samples. Rayon chenille is not a good choice for most (all?) of the other weaving samples, so I chose that fiber and double-twisted fringe for this one.

I also got the speckle-dyed scarves done. At this point I’m happy enough with them that I’m not going to overdye. That can always be done in the future if needed. The first one, with the lavender weft, I like. Jack does, too.

lavender speckle dyed scarf

One afternoon as I was weaving it was very gray outside so the light was different, and I got a hit of what I thought was a northern lights look. So I decided I’d use a dark weft for the second scarf. That effect is much better from a distance than up close.

northern lights speckle scarf

You may have noticed in the dye photos that there was a section that was lighter in color than the majority of the warp. I did that purposely. It would have been smart if I’d actually measured and marked how much length I needed, but I didn’t; I just eyeballed it. So after I wove those two scarves I had some unknown amount of darker speckled warp left. I chose a dusty rose weft. In addition to not having much length before I hit the lighter warp, I really rather hate the way the colors play together in this one. I doubt I’ll ever put this one out for sale. Anyone want to win it???

short speckled rose scarf

Then came the light section of the warp. It was a bit shorter than my usual so I sewed it into a very workable infinity scarf. I am most decidedly not a yellow person; never have been. But this warp called to me for a yellow weft. I think it’s my favorite.

yellow speckled scarf

What’s next on the loom? I don’t know. Something will come to me, I’m sure. 😉

On the needles — almost always a pair of socks. In fact, the same night that I finished these socks (thickish yarn, knit on size 4 needles)…

socks done

…I started these (typical sock yarn size, knit on size 1s).

socks started

Knitting socks at night while I watch TV makes me happy. And there’s a local craft store that’s stocked entirely with donations, staffed entirely with volunteers, and donates 100% of profits to a local charity. So I shop there when I can, and often get sock yarn at a great price. Those white socks? Yarn from there costing $7. The newly-finished multi-colored socks? Ditto. The newly-started socks? Yarn from there costing $3. You just can’t beat it.

8 comments to Some weaving progress

  • Peg Cherre

    Andrea – I’m sending you a direct email…check it out.

    Alma – Your adaptation on the 4DPN needles makes sense. I never thought of it. And yes, I’m very glad I know how to knit. For me, no hand pain with knitting. Crocheting is another story – my fingers cramp very quickly. Plus I rarely like the look and feel of crocheted items as well as knit items, but that’s just me.

  • Hi! Beautiful work as usual. That yellow infinity scarf is lovely and perfect for the recent weather. I have to say, I like the dusty rose with the dark! So many choices of what to pair to with-like a new scarf every time!

  • Alma

    As to the ladder effect from DPNs I realized years ago when making millions of mittens that I didn’t like it, either. To combat that, I simply knit a couple of stitches from needle 2 onto needle 1, then did the same thing all around. I found it particularly objectionable when working with 2 colors and carrying one along in back when I came to a corner. This “progressive” method eliminates that, too.

    I’m so glad Mom taught us how to knit. I’m a little sorry we didn’t live next door to Grandma long enough to pick up her crocheting skills, but I know enough to make a plain baby blanket, so I guess I’m OK.

    Keep up the good work. When people ask if me hands hurt from knitting I always respond that I think the knitting is what keeps my hands from hurting. With the arthritis in the major joints, I suspect the hands would be impacted if I put the needles down.

  • Alma

    I can’t think of the last time I used straight needles – except for double pointed ones for really narrow parts – as I LOVE my circulars. TWO circulars, though, I hadn’t even thought about that. How did the idea come to you? I assume it’s instead of 4 DP’s? The thing that amazes me most about your socks is that the stripes seem to fall into the same places. Do you knit both socks at once? If not, how do the stripes know where to go?

    You’re amazing, as always!

    • Peg Cherre

      Alma – I like circulars, too. Although I don’t like doing the magic loop method with anything—-I’d much rather use DPN. I didn’t come up with the concept of 2 circulars. A friend told and showed me hers, which she didn’t come up with either; I believe she got it from the book Socks From the Toe Up by Wendy Johnson. Anyway, I like it better than 1 circular ‘cuz I’d have to do magic loop for socks. And better than 4 DPN ‘cuz of the potential for losing stitches when I set it down. As an added bonus, 2 circulars eliminate the ‘ladder’ on the bottom of the foot where your DPNs would meet.

      My friend does knit 2 socks at once. I tried it and don’t like it. One at a time is fine with me.

      Regarding the placement of the stripes, I do my best to start the socks at the same place in the variegation. As you can see on the socks in this post, I’m not perfect at that, but close enough for me. 🙂

  • Oh and Jack is looking quite handsome!

  • Oh nice socks. You do them on two circs? I have learned that method but just can’t get the real knack of it. I am loving those Knitters Pride Cubics DP needles though and have been knitting mukluks.

    • Peg Cherre

      Theresa – The white-to-blue socks were the first I did on 2 circulars, always using 4 needles before. A friend convinced me to try the 2 circulars, and I like them better….virtually no chance of stitches slipping off the needles when I set them down. FYI I’ve tried it and do not like the magic loop method.

      And Jack’s professional haircut is growing out very nicely….looks SOOOO much better than my cuts with scissors. 🙂

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