
Not rushing

section of my show booth
In my life, the same fact or occurrence is often both the good news and the bad news, just like our greatest strength can also be our greatest weakness. My sales, like every other artist I spoke to, were poor at the show this past weekend. That’s the bad news. The good news is that I was able to come up with a very long list of things I was grateful for regarding this show. Here are just a few highlights of that list:

  • I could sleep in my own bed every night, rare for shows for me.
  • It was my last outdoor show of the season and I put my tent away dry!  I’ve usually had to set my tent up at home after the show to dry things out – a real pain in the butt.
  • I won’t have to worry about weaving inventory for shows until at least next summer.
  • I’ll have plenty of time to weave what moves me – like maybe a rug for myself, a baby wrap for my daughter, and more yardage for clothing.
  • I’ll be able to devote some serious time to working on that Certificate of Excellency.
  • I can have lots of fun doing more hand painting, coming up with some ideas for holiday gifts, and playing with my grands.

wispy clouds

I can take time to stop and smell the roses…and maybe get out my book and see if this sweet wild thing is a foam flower – the only name my brain is providing but I don’t think it’s right.
foam flower?

I can revel in the fact that the first melon I ever grew looked just beautiful, even if it didn’t taste quite as sweet as it looked.
my first melon, cut

I can really enjoy how sleek Jack’s new ‘do is. His first professional cut since I’ve had him, and SOOOO much better looking than the job I do with scissors.

Jack's pro 'do

Do you see who he’s protecting there? It’s Fishy, who looks worse with each passing day. But Jack so prefers him over Owl. One day soon Fishy is going to have to simply disappear before he disintegrates into rubbery bits on my floor or in Jack’s stomach. Should I say he went to live with nice people on a farm in the country? 😉

5 comments to Not rushing

  • Peg Cherre

    Mary – Jack IS handsome, isn’t he?

    Mary, Judy, Cindy – It was really easy to find positive things. You only got a partial list. Life is too short to be negative or miserable.

    Alma – It’s never possible to know why sales at a show are or aren’t good, so I’ve given up trying. I didn’t stay with Jack, that wasn’t an option provided, but they said he did good with everything except the clipper on his legs; apparently he didn’t like the vibration. But he sure didn’t seem traumatized when I went back to pick him up – happy as a clam. I have hopes for the 2nd melon which is in my kitchen as we speak. 🙂

  • Alma

    Your tent looks WONDERFUL! What stands out to me? The rainbow shawl at the right, and the rainbow towel on the shelf. How predictable am I?

    Was it too hot for sales to be good? Were people just looking and not buying? Were there no enough lookers? I’m so sorry that the show wasn’t more successful for you. How disappointing.

    Jack looks wonderful, too. Did he sit still for the groomer patiently? Did you stay with him to keep him calm? He is a handsome fellow. I agree with you, though, that Fishie might have to take a long trip – maybe a cruise?

    The clouds and melon are inspiring. It’s too bad the melon wasn’t more tasty.

  • Judy T

    Loved this post Peg! So positive!! Your display looks lovely, but I especially loved the parts about doing fun things that you want to do but maybe haven’t found time for before! Good for you!!! Great attitude!!!

  • Mary

    Oh, how I love your Jack! His new “do” really suits him.
    Your list is an inspiration to try and find the good in every situation.

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