
Making new

deep pink crabtree

I’ve been working on a variety of fronts. Although I don’t have any good pics at the moment, I’ve made plenty of progress in my new gardens. In addition to raiding my daughter’s garden I found two local people with perennial gardens they were dividing, and got lots of things: crocus, English primrose, hosta, lady fern, bleeding heart, echinacea, perennial forget-me-not, and more; even some clematis. My crabtree is doing its maiden flowering, and my tulips look very pretty. I’ll try to get pics of it all soon. Meanwhile I have taken pictures of some of the beautiful flowering trees I see on my walks.

white crabtree

pink magnolia

I ordered some cotton rep filler, and when it came couldn’t wait to get started on a new set of mug rugs for my booth; I haven’t had any in a few years.

blue rep weave on the loom

The warp only gave me 5 mug rugs instead of the 8 I’d planned, so I quickly warped up a second length and did 5 more.

pink rep weave on the loom

Here are both sets finished. Sooooo much nicer than my first attempt at rep weave. Although I’m quite pleased with them, we’ll see if they sell.

2nd attempt at rep weave mug rugs

Next I decided what to do with another hand painted warp. This time I went back to my first dye class and am using a rayon warp and weft. I’ve always been intrigued by braided twills, and this one is different – and better – than a draft I used before. This one is from Carol Strickler’s 8-Shaft Pattern Book, #381-4.

Hand painted rayon, braided twill

The treadling looks more complex than it is. However, I’ve learned something new in the weaving of this scarf. I have to back up a bit to tell the story….

When I moved into my new home I got a belated birthday present from my daughter and her hubby: a new Sonos system. I love it and use it all the time to listen to NPR and podcasts. But my old Mac was too old and couldn’t speak to the Sonos so I couldn’t listen to my music on it. And I didn’t really have the space to set up my old system: receiver, CD player, tape deck, and big speakers. So it all went up to the attic till I got a new computer. I did that about a month ago when I got my income tax return.

But when I sat down to load my music into the new computer, lo, a CD drive is no longer standard, and I hadn’t paid attention and asked for one. My high tech son-in-law came through once again, lending me his external CD drive. It sat on my kitchen table for at least 2 weeks before I plugged it in and got to work. (The impetus to begin will be revealed in another post. Are you curious now?)

The process is SOOOOO easy. And fast. I’ve gotten through several dozen discs yesterday and today. I must say I’m LOVING listening to my music again! I’d forgotten how much I like my music!

So what’s this have to do with weaving? Well, I can’t sing along to my favorite tunes and simultaneously pay attention to what my feet are doing. 🙂 I’ve had to do a fair amount of unweaving. Fortunately I’ve caught the mistakes after a maximum of 6-8 pics each time, but still. I’ll have to figure out a reasonable balance between music and treadling: how complex can the treadling be if I want to sing along?

4 comments to Making new

  • […] and use it up.  I’ve been exercising my will power not buying more to, for instance, do more rep weave with that filler I did buy recently, even though I was really […]

  • […] few weeks ago I showed you a braided twill scarf on the loom. It took a while for me to get them fringed, wet […]

  • Peg Cherre

    I love flowering trees, too, Theresa. The blossoms are short-lived, so you’ve gotta enjoy them while they’re here.

    The mug rugs do go fairly quickly. If they sell I’ll definitely make more. I wouldn’t mind doing placemats, too, if I thought they’d sell. But yes, so many things to weave, so little time.

    I don’t have any Johnny Cash, but I have 3 of Roseanne’s CDs. I’ll have to try music I can sing to again when it’s a straight treadling pattern. 🙂

  • Oh those trees are something! Our big bloom time has gone by in the valley so it is a treat to see yours. I never tire of it. I bet those mug rugs go quickly. I have never tried rep weave. Have wanted to but the sheer number of threads always deters me, especially when I have so many other things I want to try. I’ll get to it one of these days!
    I find Jonny Cash pretty good to sing to and weave. 😉

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