
This and that

Recently I made a few winter salads that I really liked. The first one had quinoa, kale, roasted sweet potato and sunflower seeds with a maple vinaigrette dressing. I added chopped apple, which was great on day 1, but made everything too sweet as the salad aged.

quinoa, kale sweet potato salad

Next up was barley, kale, pomegranate, and dill with a dressing of olive oil & wine vinegar. Very heart healthy.

barley, kale & pomegranate salad


A few days before they dye workshop I took a color workshop. While I didn’t learn new things, there was a lot of reinforcement of concepts. My color choices are made by what my eye likes, not color theory. I can’t tell you the last time I used my color wheel to consciously choose colors. As a result, I often overlook complementary color combinations.

We did a lot of wrapping of various color combos on black foam core board to see how things worked together. I didn’t photograph mine but did take pix of some of other people’s. Here I combined them in one image.

color wrapping exercise

Here’s an example of a little sample tapestry the teacher had made. She used some color combos I would never have put together, yet it is so striking!

striking color tapestry

Would I like a whole piece of it? I can’t say. But I’m hoping that some of what I saw during the day will stick with me and I’ll be a bit more bold and planful with my color choices. In fact, it’s the reasons I chose to make one of the scarves in my last warp with a variety of colors. We’ll see how it looks when it’s all finished.

1 comment to This and that

  • Those look like yummy salads. At this time of year we seem to crave fresh veggies that’s for sure. I’ve done panzenella a few times this January. The tomatoes aren’t as good as the summer ones but it still is tasty and we throw in a few other things like peppers, spinach or kale and lots of english cucumber.

    I love the woven piece by the teacher. It’s really pretty.

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