
Pretty pretty

box of yarn

As planned, I received a box of yarn on Monday afternoon. This contains what I need to weave the next two warps of baby wraps — 4 wraps plus. What’s the plus, you say? The first warp, for KG, totaled 6.2 meters. I can weave up to 10 meters finished length, so decided I’d add some length to this warp for me. I’m going to weave 3 yards of fabric…yardage…and decide later exactly what I’m going to do with it. Maybe I’ll make a vest, maybe a poncho/shrug/ruana-type thing.

Here is the lineup for the warp that KG and I will share.

yarn for KG and me

From left to right it’s gris fonce, gris pale, vert pale, turquoise, bleu moyen, bleu, and periwinkle. I got the first bout wound today and then my sciatica started talking to me 🙁 so I needed to rest. I’m hoping to get the second bout wound this afternoon/evening. I have several commitments over the next 3 days, so the progress won’t be fast on this one.

KG, who’s pregnant with twins, is getting 2 wraps – a long one with a white weft and a short one for a ring sling with a charcoal weft.

Me? I bought navy rayon for weft, but may change my mind. Maybe black rayon chenille? Maybe cream bamboo? Maybe cotton in an as-to-be-determined color? I’m not sure yet, but am looking forward to this little adventure.

3 comments to Pretty pretty

  • Judy T

    How fun to be planning something wonderful for you to wear this time! Love the color choices!

  • Peg Cherre

    Marlene – I’m not a dyer. Not set up to dye, don’t own the dyes, don’t know much about it. So from my perspective, the fact that you can dye the yarn the color you want is a real benefit.

    It’s all a matter of perspective. 🙂

  • marlene toerien

    You are so lucky to be able to order so many colours, if I want so many shades, I need to dye the yarn.

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