
A not-sluggy day

For the past 2 days I’ve felt rather slug-like. Didn’t accomplish much, sat & read a bit, and honestly, I have no idea what else I did. Today was a different story.

I got up this morning and did my yoga, then went for a 3-mile walk with Jack. We get to see some really stunning sunrises on these walks.

red sunrise

I used to prefer doing my walk first and then yoga, but Jack insists that we play as soon as he’d had his breakfast, which is immediately after walking. Play and yoga do not go well together.

Then I did my typical Sunday morning routine, which is do a bit of contracted computer work and call my dear friend in West Virginia, often talking for 45 minutes or more.

Next I decided to do hang the little yellow & orange lights I’d bought to go around my bay window for Halloween. No intention of lighting them yet, I just wanted to get the new Command clips up and the lights hung while the weather was nice. After all, yesterday I’d made and hung a fall wreath on my front door, so I was in the mode.

fall wreath

By then it was time to walk down to the local fire department for their chicken barbecue – about a mile round trip. I love a good chicken barbecue and have been sorely disappointed at the last few I tried before I moved. This one was good. Not great, but totally acceptable.

Fully nourished, I decided to tackle window washing. Just get a few of the windows done while the weather was nice. I got into the job and did 7 windows before I ran out of paper towels. I like using newspaper, but I don’t subscribe and therefore don’t have any. So I decided to walk to Rite Aid and buy more paper towels as well as a few other things I needed. There’s another 1.8 miles round trip.

Back home I got all the rest of the windows washed inside and out – all 16 of them – but only because I really pushed myself at the end. I realized that I didn’t get to the sliding glass doors, but I couldn’t make myself do it today. It won’t take long tomorrow, and by then my back will be rested and I’ll just get it done.

I don’t feel like a slug today!

5 comments to A not-sluggy day

  • Alma

    Good job well done!

  • I’ll say not slug-like at all !~! Sixteen windows is a Ton in my humble opinion. My place has five… Plus two doors with glass but Wow to sixteen. A huge day’s work.

    I look forward to the spring when the bushes start to take off that Birchcrest put in for you.

    • Peg Cherre

      16 seemed like a lot of windows to me, too, Lynda. That’s the price I pay for having all those windows in the weaving studio. Well worth it, if you ask me!

  • charlene Schurch

    Love your energy and positive attitude.

    Thinking about the newspapers – do your neighbors get the paper? Perhaps you can get some from a recycling bin on a walk?

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks for visiting, Charlene. If any of my neighbors get a newspaper, I’ve not noticed a delivery. Could I pick some up from recycling bins? Probably, but I’d have to plan a week in advance of cleaning my windows…not likely for me. Since I hate cleaning, it’s pretty much always a last minute decision; if I had to think about it longer, I’d keep finding reasons not to do it. 😉

      Unrelated – I LOVE your knitted socks and will have to try one of your patterns!

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