Some months ago I bought some ‘zing string’ — cotton thread with hand-tied beads strung along it. I haven’t had time to use it till now. This is a plain weave scarf, cotton warp, rayon weft, with the zing string adding some bling at random intervals. I wove two scarves with the silver rayon weft & plain weave.
Actually, the first one on the warp had a black cotton weft and I wove in lace blocks with the bling randomly placed. It was fine, but when I tried the tabby with the silver rayon, I knew I’d do the other 2 scarves in that.
Off the loom, I like them both. I like the black better than I thought I would, actually. But I showed you the tabby first because the bling shows up better. I sewed all 3 into infinity scarves.
I did a bunch of ‘not-weaving’ today. Although I wasn’t wasting time, I’ll be darned if I can tell you exactly how the day went – beyond seeing a black bear cross the road 63 steps in front of me on my morning walk!
I’m calling this weaving draft I came up with for my next warp of 3 scarves corkscrews & waves.
I got 262 ends of 20/2 natural silk measured, beamed, and threaded on the Macomber. I have all of about 6″ woven…enough to know I don’t have any threading errors. I hope I can get all 3 scarves woven tomorrow.
Here’s a funny thing….I intended to start & end the scarves with the ‘corkscrews’ at the top of the draft because I like them better than the ones on the bottom; I think they have more movement. But is that how I treadled the beginning of the first scarf? Noooo! I’ll end it the same way I started, and do the 2nd scarf in the way I intended. I hope.
I’ve been looking for an interesting twill that I can weave on my 8 harness Macomber and this pattern definitely caught my eye. Would you share a pdf of the draft?
Many thanks and happy weaving!
I’d love to try your corkscrew & weave draft. Can I purchase it?
I don’t sell this draft, as it’s (a) a very simple point twill and (b) it’s not my invention…I believe you can find it on
Peg, can you please send me the WIF for the corkscrew and waves? It’s spectacular !
Check your inbox – it’ll be there within minutes.
I love your corkscrew and waves scarf. May I have a pdf copy of this lovely pattern. Thank you for sharing your skills.
Check your email…I just sent it to you.