
Zing Bling

zing bling tabby infinity scarf

Some months ago I bought some ‘zing string’ — cotton thread with hand-tied beads strung along it. I haven’t had time to use it till now. This is a plain weave scarf, cotton warp, rayon weft, with the zing string adding some bling at random intervals. I wove two scarves with the silver rayon weft & plain weave.

Actually, the first one on the warp had a black cotton weft and I wove in lace blocks with the bling randomly placed. It was fine, but when I tried the tabby with the silver rayon, I knew I’d do the other 2 scarves in that.

zing bling lace infinity scarf

Off the loom, I like them both. I like the black better than I thought I would, actually. But I showed you the tabby first because the bling shows up better. I sewed all 3 into infinity scarves.

I did a bunch of ‘not-weaving’ today. Although I wasn’t wasting time, I’ll be darned if I can tell you exactly how the day went – beyond seeing a black bear cross the road 63 steps in front of me on my morning walk!

I’m calling this weaving draft I came up with for my next warp of 3 scarves corkscrews & waves.

corkscrews & waves weaving draft

I got 262 ends of 20/2 natural silk measured, beamed, and threaded on the Macomber. I have all of about 6″ woven…enough to know I don’t have any threading errors. I hope I can get all 3 scarves woven tomorrow.

Here’s a funny thing….I intended to start & end the scarves with the ‘corkscrews’ at the top of the draft because I like them better than the ones on the bottom; I think they have more movement. But is that how I treadled the beginning of the first scarf? Noooo! I’ll end it the same way I started, and do the 2nd scarf in the way I intended. I hope. 😉

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