
This & That

For the last few days I’ve spent my time weaving & weeding, and enjoying them both. All that construction took me away from both of these activities, both of which bring me joy.

NB's baby wrap

Not only did I finish JJ’s short wrap, I only have 55″ left of NB’s to weave tomorrow! The weft for JJ’s short wrap is black Egyptian cotton, NB’s is black Maurice Brassard cotton, same as the warp. Since those two look the same I thought I’d show you the two sides of the wrap.

I’ve been doing other things, too. I’m doing a weaving demo at the Roycroft summer show later this month, as I often do. But this year the Roycrofters are organizing a whole demo tent, and several of the artisans are doing demos. So I thought I’d have my regular rigid heddle loom set up for the demos, then have an inkle loom in my booth so people could come over & weave a bookmark. I’ve never used an inkle loom, but that kind of thing never stopped me before.

So I downloaded free plans & directions from Weaving Today for an inkle loom made from PVC pipe, and my son got all the parts together for me. Seemed pretty easy.

PVC inkle loom

Warping was a challenge ‘cuz the instructions weren’t making sense to me, but I got it done. Weaving? Not easy. Two hands required to change sheds, and not something a first-time weaver would enjoy or do well. I’ve gotten info/advice from other weavers, and am rethinking the strategy.

On another note, I realize I never showed you the finished product from the doubleweave bags I made. I machine sewed the bottom seam and the upper hem. I plan(ned) to put straps on some, closures on some…hasn’t happened yet. Will I get there before the show? Hope so. We’ll see how these little ‘treasure bags’ sell. I may never do them again, or may weave many more. Only time will tell.

treasure bags

2 comments to This & That

  • Peg Cherre

    Thanks, Perry. I am fairly fearless about trying new things…as long as they’re mostly mental workouts, not physical feats. 🙂

    Once those wraps are on the loom, the weaving itself goes fairly quickly. All the planning, yarn ordering, measuring, beaming, and threading take a lot of time. And then the work when it comes off them loom – that’s probably my least favorite part of the process.

  • Perry

    Peg, you are simply amazing!!
    Yes..nothing has stopped you from doing all sorts of things.
    and.. I am also amazed at how fast you weave your wraps..from start to finish.
    and.. they are so lovely.
    + all the house and garden prep you are doing.
    Hope your home sells soon.

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