
Good enough for gifts

5 lace towels

I thought I’d show you what I’m working on today, but realized I never showed you the towels I made. They’re all a Swedish lace pattern. Warp and weft are white cottolin, chambray and cobalt cotton. I needed to make 1 or 2 for a hostess gift. On the cone, the cobalt looked a little too dark and the chambray a little too light, so I thought I’d use them both. Once on the loom, the chambray took on far more green than blue. Oh well.

But the real poop, the reason I’m quite unhappy with myself, is that each and every towel has a treadling error in a plain weave section. An error I didn’t see till I was giving them a hard press. And not all in the same place, so it’s not like there was a specific warp thread that troubled me. Plus the towel on the far right is way short – ran out of warp ‘cuz I made some towels longer to finish a pattern and didn’t allow as much extra warp as usual. I guess I simply wasn’t paying enough attention, was in too much of a hurry.

I theoretically could still needle weave the errors and then wash, dry, and press again, but I’m not going to.

I’m still going to give the 2 as hostess gifts, and I’ll have to decide if I’ll sell the other 3 for less than normal or also give them as gifts.

3 comments to Good enough for gifts

  • Peg Cherre

    Thanks, Judy & Theresa. I may give all 5 as gifts…I have enough handwoven towels from a towel exchange I belonged to a few years ago, and a napkin exchange the year before that. (I use those handwoven napkins as towels, too.) 🙂

  • Well they look lovely from here. Give the two as gifts and use the rest. I myself keep all the really bad seconds and they work just as well as the almost perfect ones. 🙂

  • Judy T

    They look lovely Peg!

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