
Obstructing the view

My realtor strongly suggested I make some improvements to the house in order to get offers quickly. So I am.

I’ve lived with my front porch for 1/4 century with no railings. I love it like this — the view is great, and I simply don’t worry about the fact that much of it is at least 10′ off the ground.

porch with  no railing

I’ve also known since I even thought about selling the house that no one could get a mortgage without a railing. I was hoping for a cash sale, but my realtor knows the truth – even a cash sale buyer will want a railing. So I’ve been working with my contractor to build one. And to make the porch be square/plumb, which it wasn’t after standing for 25 years with no braces.

porch with railings

NYS Building Code requires that railings be at least 42″ high when the floor is more than 30″ from the ground, so of course that’s what we did. For what it is, my contractor did a good job. I don’t have to like it — but only because I’m so used to no obstruction. I will get used to it…and hope that I won’t be here for long anyway.

We’ll finish the porch tomorrow morning, then on to other ‘fixes.’ Meanwhile, my realtor is bringing people through tomorrow evening and again on Wednesday afternoon. They’ll see all sorts of materials and projects-in-progress. That’ll have to be ok. They’ll also see 3 flowering crabtrees, a large lilac bush, creeping phlox, and some other garden lovelies in bloom that will hopefully make them overlook the fact that all the work isn’t yet complete. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

7 comments to Obstructing the view

  • Peg Cherre

    Those braces were a necessity, and I don’t mind them at all.

  • Alma

    Well, you’re going to think this is an odd thing to say. The railing is OK in my book – preferred it without, I think. BUT I really like the braces above the railing. It puts me in mind of the Adirondack “cottages” that the wealthy built back in the day!

  • Peg Cherre

    Thanks, Judy & Lynda.

    I, too, love flowering shrubs & trees. For several years I just planted perennials, so when I finally started planting flowering woody plants I was a bit behind in terms of gardening. Still, they’re lovely. I also plant some trees & shrubs that don’t flower, simply for the color of their leaves and bark, and/or the shade they provide.

    My gardens are a great deal of work, and for the last few years I’ve been trying to make changes that’ll make things easier. I’ve succeeded in some areas, not so much in others.

  • Blooming bushes are my most favorite landscape element of all. When we bought our place, nothing had been planted in twenty years and we went nutty putting in all kinds of trees, bushes and annuals. We have a sunflower crop this year that promises to be amazing in another few weeks. Roses and Hydrangeas, rhododendrons and a huge cedar tree that gets the gray water from the washing machine and has been a superb growing shade tree for us that shades our parking place during the hottest months of the year–that happened by fluke but we’re glad of it !~!

    I love your home and hope that someone who can buy it from you falls in love too. Soon…

  • Judy T

    Looks like he did a really nice job Peg, and I’m sure the right person will love it and all of your lovely blooming landscape as well. Keeping our fingers crossed for you… tonight or tomorrow would be a lovely time for a good offer!

  • Peg Cherre

    Rustic is what my home is, for sure. Certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, although I’ve loved it here.

  • NZ

    That is a lovely rustic home you have there Peg. it looks better without the railings. Gives it a whole lot of connection to the environment. Really hope your house sells soon! <3

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