
Which I chose


You can see very clearly which option I chose. I’m confident it was the correct one. And since the warp is just cotton, the ‘waste’ of that yarn is very minimal. Far less than my time involved in doing what would have been necessary to make the warp 3″ wider than planned. And given my recent experience with the twisted threads in the baby wrap, the ‘toss it’ option was very fresh in my mind.

I used the draft from my ‘huckish’ shawls, modifying it only to expand it to take 6 harnesses so I wouldn’t have to move heddles on my Macomber. I needed to use the Mac to make it the planned 25″ wide; my counterbalance’s maximum weaving width is only about 22″.

I wove the first shawl with a dark royal blue weft (on the right in the photo), the second in a deep red-purple. I wanted to use that color for the third and wound the bobbins, but ran out of thread before I’d wound enough. So I picked a periwinkle instead (left in the photo).
3 blue & purple shawls

All 3 wefts are rayon. All need to be fringed and wet finished, so they’ll look nicer, be softer, and have more drape in their final state. I’ll do the fringing in the evenings while I’m watching TV. Now I want to get myself finalizing my paperwork and begin winding my next baby wrap warp. ML & MM will be happy to see it!

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