
Wrapping it up

3 wraps ready to wash

After the hemming, inspecting, and making any needed repairs, the next step in the baby wrap process is running them through the washer & dryer. This step isn’t just to make sure they’re clean. It’s important to get those threads to shift as much as they’re going to and to soften up from all the tension of the loom (the washer), and to tighten up a bit (the dryer). The three wraps from the last warp are ready for the trip downstairs.

Next they must be hard pressed. Again, not to get rid of wrinkles – the usual purpose of ironing – but to really set those threads in their places. As Laura Fry says, “It isn’t finished until it’s wet finished.” I admit I don’t do as good a job of the hard press on those baby wraps as I should — they’re so long and wide! So I’ve spent a bit of time online looking for a tool that will make this job both more efficient and easier on my arm (my right arm gets REALLY tired pressing the wraps). The old term for such a tool was a mangle; people decided that rebranding was necessary and they’re now called rotary irons. I could buy a new Miele rotary iron for – gulp – $2,000!!!! I don’t think so!! I’m considering checking out an old Ironrite on Craigslist of a maximum of one-tenth of that price.

Anyway, after the pressing comes hand stitching a label with certain information required by Federal law. Then we’re ready to go…along with the Federally-required registration postcard. And if a proposed law passes I’ll have to include more info, too.

3 wraps ready to mail

I need to get the order together for the next batch of wraps (I need a weft color decision from one mom), so in the meantime I think I’m going to try some turned taquete with rayon chenille.

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