
Doing it

MY & JM warp beamed

Do you know that saying, “If you want something done, give it to a busy person”? Well, today was like that for me.

I’d purchased some local eggplant on special on Tuesday, and figured I’d better use it up, so I started the day baking some panko-breaded eggplant slices for an eggplant parm.

As the eggplant slices were baking I realized that I needed to either bake some bread or simply revive my sourdough — might as well make some bread. Then, of course, clean the kitchen.

Made a few needed phone calls, including one to my car guy when I realized that not only is it time for an oil change, my inspection is up in just a few days. My appointment isn’t till next week (my choice), so I’ll just need to cross my fingers that I don’t get stopped before then.

Wound the 3rd bout in MY & JM’s warp, and while I was doing so, realized that if I want the realtor to show my house this weekend, and I definitely do, I can’t wait till Monday to mow the lawn, it’s simply too long.

Mowed very quickly, in bursts between bread rising, oven preheating, & bread baking, and then it started sprinkling. Came back in and finished fringing that 5th shawl. Washed it and got it on the drying rack.

The rain stopped so I went back out and mowed the last section of the lawn. Still have to wack weeds, but that’s only about 45 minutes, sometime by noon-ish Friday. Even if it’s wet, I can do that.

Came back in and wound the 4th and final bout. Did a small piece of online required work, then spread the warp in the raddle.

Replied to a few emails that were waiting for me, then beamed that warp.


All the threading still to be done; I’ll start tonight, but won’t get it finished.

I’m actually hoping for rain tomorrow morning — that’ll put off the firewood, which will be fine with me. If not, I’ll do what I need to do.

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