
Finishing and Starting

ribbon candy yarn

As I was unwinding the yarn to take it off the loom, it fell into these soft rolls that made me think of ribbon candy. As a kid I was entranced by it, probably because we never had any at our house. As an adult, I’ve never tasted any that I thought was worth it. Looks pretty, tastes….like sugar.

After I got the entire length of the warp unwound and bunched up to take to the garbage, it sure looked like a big mess. Which, of course, is what it felt like. And what it was.

ready for the trash

That felt simultaneously cathartic (getting rid of a warp that was nothing but trouble) and depressing (wasting all that time and material). I needed to do something that felt good, and was productive. So I hauled my warping mill out to the porch. The bad fortune of KC & CW is the good fortune of EC & EH. K & C will be getting their wraps later than planned, and E & E will be getting their sooner.

Actually, none of it is actually sooner. I’ve been really busy in June at my paycheck job, so not getting as much woven as I’d like. I’ve got one more crazy busy week. Or maybe two. Then I think I can get back in the weaving groove.

Anyway, I did get E&E’s warp completely measured while the mill was on my front porch. The colors are a nice progression.

Charcoal to medium gray
E&E, bout 1

Medium gray to light gray to turquoise
E&E, bout 2

Turquoise to peacock
E&E, bout 3

Peacock to jeans
E&E, bout 4

I finished winding late Friday afternoon, then did a bit of house cleaning. Left early Saturday morning to play Grandma while Mama & Papa took some time off. I’ll be back home late Sunday morning and will get the warp spread & beamed. WITHOUT twisting any of those bouts!

3 comments to Finishing and Starting

  • Vicki

    Gosh, Peg, I enjoy reading your blog entries…you make me feel like a slug! 🙂 Just love your weaving! Sorry I missed you up at Exhale…Dan and I finally got away! I don’t have your at home email, but you should have mine? Let’s get together sometime! Saw where you were quoted in the paper for Richburg library! So I see you are still busy with that! 🙂 Hope to see you soon!

  • Erika

    I am sorry for the other mamas and that you had to go through that ordeal, but very excited to be getting mine sooner!

    • Peg Cherre

      I’m sorry for those mamas, too. Wish it could have been different, but better a high quality wrap that’s a little later than one that’s likely to cause problems delivered earlier.

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