
Make New Friends…

When I was a Girl Scout we learned lots of songs. I remember tons of them. Some were beautifully simple songs that were great sung in rounds. One of them is Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold. Total lyrics of the song. (Actually, when I just googled to see if I could find an audio clip, I see there are several verses, but we only sang just that one.)

That’s what was in my mind while I was weaving this next scarf.
handwoven silver & gold scarf

I think you can see in the photo that it looks different depending on how the light hits it. Sometimes that silver grey Tencel yarn looks very silver, sometimes it looks very grey. I much prefer the silver, and that’s how it looked the whole time I was weaving with my bright light on it.

For this scarf I didn’t think that the gold showed up enough, so I wove a second one with two strands of the gold yarn. I also used two strands of this terrific olive color and the same treadling pattern.

handwoven silver & olive tencel scarf

I wove the last scarf in this warp of four in a curry, thinking that it would look like silver & copper. Not so much – it looks quite orange. I find it interesting how different the two sides of this particular treadling pattern look.
handwoven silver & curry tencel scarf

After I had the four scarves woven I decided to bead two of them. Here’s the silver & gold woven with 2 strands of gold.
beaded silver & gold scarf

Then I beaded the ends of the olive scarf.
beaded scarf silver & olive

I do love working with Tencel – it’s so smooth and has such a wonderful sheen and drape. I’m off to weave more with it.

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