

I used to make jewelry. A lot of it. When I started weaving I slowed down and eventually stopped making jewelry. I still have quite a bit of finished pieces to sell, which I do only very locally and at a bargain. More than that, I have many, many, MANY beads. You don’t want to know how many beads, or their value.

So I’ve started selling off my raw materials. Back in June I packaged some up and sold them to a local woman. Then I got too busy to do more of that. Finally last week I took the hours needed to gather up many of my full strings of beads, grouped them by stone and/or color, located them on my inventory sheet, identifying the size and cost of each group. I made 12 bags/groups of beads and asked the woman who’d purchased the prior beads if she wanted these, too. She’s gonna come and look at them and buy some, but not all. I’ll post the remaining beads on CraigsList and/or Etsy. CraigsList is free, so I’ll probably start there.

Here’s a sample of two of my groups.

First is mookite & red jasper.
mookite & red jasper beads

Next is aventurine & labradorite.
aventurine & labradorite beads

I’ll probably have to take new/better photos for online posting.

I’ve been trying to get this post up for 3 days. My router was replaced & is fine, but it appears something is wrong with my modem. The DishNetwork people are replacing it. I should have the new one in a few days & then should be in good shape.

3 comments to Destashifying

  • Peg, were you able to get rid of all the beads you wanted to during this sale ? I am interested in the labradorite and any jasper you may be looking to sell.

  • Judy T

    Well – the beads look nice in the photos but make it even hard to imagine how your imagination and wonderful artistry turned them into such spectacular looking pieces of jewelry!

    • Peg Cherre

      Spoken by someone who shows remarkable creativity of her own with simple tools like paper & ink!

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