
Weaving Catch Up

I know, I know, I’ve been away from my blog for weeks. I’m guessing it bothers me more than it bothers my readers, especially since there aren’t thousands of you. 😉

I was weaving as fast as I could in preparation for the Roycroft Winter Festival, and barely had time to take photos of the finished scarves, much less write about them. In between weaving, I was also working feverishly with a score of volunteers to sell, decorate, and distribute 381 wreaths for Pfeiffer Nature Center. So here’s what I got finished in the last weeks before the show.

First I wove up some gorgeous hand painted rayon chenille in a Silver Linings colorway.
handwoven scarves, rayon chenille Silver Linings
On top is a scarf that has the same hand painted yarn for both warp and weft. For the bottom scarf, I used a solid weft in a bluish-grayish color that coordinated perfectly. I sold the one with the solid weft at the show.

Then I wove with another hand painted yarn, this time in an amazingly deep, rich Ocean Waves. I’ve used this colorway before, in a variety of fibers, but this time the dye was darker, deeper, and more luxurious than ever before. The photo doesn’t do it justice.
handwoven scarves, rayon chenille Ocean Waves
I sold two of these over the weekend.

Next I had to try a new fiber – bamboo chenille. This was a solid color that the manufacturer called cliff, but I’m calling Sand. I think it will provide the same great wear results as rayon chenille, because I believe that both fibers are created in essentially the same process.
handwoven scarves, bamboo chenille Sand
I was surprised that these scarves didn’t attract a lot of attention at the show. I thought their neutrality would be really appealing.

Then I finished up my weaving with another solid color rayon chenille weft, one the manufacturer calls Tangier. From left to right are scarves that use the same weft as warp, a darker solid weft, and a space-dyed weft.
handwoven scarves, rayon chenille, oranges
I called the middle one Burnished Copper, and the scarf on the right Fire In The Hills. Again, I was surprised that these scarves didn’t attract more attention over the weekend. Interestingly, my sister (who helps me at many shows) and I had completely different preferences for the scarves. In order, I prefer middle, left, right; she likes right, middle, left. Apparently most folks chose none of the above.

In addition to these scarves, I sold two of the brick cashmere & silk scarves (sorry the photo makes them look more orange than they really are) and one of the dusty rose silks, along with a variety of other scarves. Both of my new rayon chenille shawls (rainbow & gray) jumped off the shelf – I’m sure I could have sold each a few times if I’d had duplicates.

I also sold 4 Victorian Christmas ornaments, including my two most recent creations, and 14 bookmarks – glad I had woven up a 13 the day before set up!

Among other post-show duties, yesterday I made a sterling silver necklace I had an order for — my customer had been waiting patiently for two weeks.

Now I have to buy Christmas gifts, write & send out Christmas cards, and make some more gifts. In between working. And having another show, thankfully small & local, this coming weekend. And trying to eat right, exercise, wash dishes, etc., etc., etc. YOU know how it is! I’ll get back to this as I can, showing you the cool stuff I wove as a demo at the show.

3 comments to Weaving Catch Up

  • Ellie

    I am always amazed at how much weaving and creative energy you have, love to see what you have been weaving. Beautiful always! Thanks so much for sharing with us. I always look forward to your blog.

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