
Rigid Heddle Weaving Sells!

After I finished the last post, I went to bed. Like sometimes happens, although my body was tired, my mind wasn’t completely shut off. As I lay there thinking about my sales, I realized something.

Of the 15 scarves I sold at Roycroft, 4 of them were woven on my rigid heddle loom. Which I only use at shows to demonstrate.

That made me really happy.

So what were those four scarves? With the one I made most recently first and moving backwards in time, the cotton and linen Brooks Bouquet I wove at Kenan earlier this month…
handwoven cotton & linen scarf

…the drop-dead gorgeous purple & silver mohair I wove at a local show in May…
purple & silver handwoven mohair scarf

…the alpaca I wove at a show in Canandaigua in November…
handwoven alpaca scarves

…and some bamboo I wove at a show sometime last summer.
handwoven bamboo scarves, log cabin

It’s not like I needed either any proof that rigid heddle weaving is real weaving, or that it’s a great draw and teaching opportunity to demonstrate at shows, but having 26% of my sales be pieces made on this small, light, extremely portable loom is just one more reason to keep doing it.

Your turn: have you had any pleasant surprises lately?

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