
Golden Sunshine in a Scarf

handwoven rayon chenille scarf, cappucino
I’ve said it often enough – I’m into the gem tone colors. Purples, blues, greens, reds – they just call to me. I realize that other people have different color preferences, so I do try to pick yarns that will please other palettes, too. Sometimes I really like them, sometimes not so much.

This new-to-me colorway that Tammy hand painted is just stunning! This is one of the few times that I think Tammy missed on the name of her colors. She calls this one cappucino, which to me has no gold in it.

Weaving with it was like basking in the sunshine, just making me smile the entire time. And the finished scarf is equally as bright and pleasing. It doesn’t go with most of my clothes, but I’m pretty sure will draw lots of attention at shows.

Like all my rayon chenille, it’s quite difficult to photograph — the natural sheen of the fibers causes light to bounce around like crazy. Despite many attempts in all sorts of different lighting conditions, I don’t feel like a did a great job of capturing the true colors of these scarves. I’m certain they’ll make a much bigger hit in person than in the photo, and will be surprised if they sell from my website.

There was one interesting thing about these scarves. I’ve learned that when I’m using a variegated yarn for the warp (length) and a solid yarn for the weft (width), I pretty much always like to use the darkest color in the scarf for weft. This time? No. I much prefer the solid golden weft to the dark brown weft. I know that the picture doesn’t show that much difference, but in real life I see a strong difference, and don’t get the same make-me-smile feeling from the scarf on the left with the brown weft.

I’m going to leave you with another photo of this scarf, on the loom. The late afternoon sun (which has been relatively rare for the past few weeks) was streaming in the window, catching my warp beautifully. I took lots of pix of it from different angles, learning just how many possibilities there are for lovely, artistic photos, even if they’re not something I could submit for jurying. 🙂

closeup of cappucino yarn

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