
Bamboo Infinity

I finished the bamboo warp. I’d warped for two wide (20″) handwoven scarves or shawls in 100% bamboo yarn in a cool minty green.

I wove the first in a tabby, planning to make this one into an infinity scarf.
bamboo infinity scarf hood

I decided to try something different to close this one. This bamboo yarn needs to be finished with a double-twisted fringe to keep it from totally poofing out, so instead of sewing the ends together, I took 3 threads from each end and twisted them together. After each piece was double twisted, I tied a simple overhand knot very close to the scarf itself for strength. I don’t know that I’d do this every time, but I like the effect.

After I’d woven the first scarf, I realized I didn’t have enough of that minty green bamboo left for the warp of the second.
bamboo handwoven scarf
So I explored other options, and ultimately ended up with green tabby ends, and the majority of the body in a white point twill. I like this one, too, but perhaps not quite as well as the solid green.

I’ve got a warp for 4 earth-toned bamboo-cotton scarves on my loom, and 3 are woven. I’ll finish the fourth today.

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