
Flying Away

This time of year, I’m always focused on my next show. What do I need to make to have the stock I want to be ready for my next show? How many days/weeks do I have to make them? Since there’s never enough time to make everything I’d like to have on hand, I have to prioritize. These days I flip flop between making jewelry and weaving, focusing on one for a brief period, then moving to the other and back.

My next show is the Elmwood Avenue Festival of the Arts in Buffalo, just two short weeks away. I really wanted to have a showstopper in my booth, a piece of jewelry that would draw lots of admiring looks, even if it was priced out of range of many customers. So I decided to make my third set of woven-wings-ocean-jasperWoven Wings. Each set is individually designed and created, and each has used different gemstones. The first Woven Wings was a combination of ocean jasper, bloodstone, and Picasso jasper, with a few pieces of petrified wood thrown in.


woven-wings-crazy-lace-agateThe second set was mostly crazy lace agate, with some golden horn thrown in.




woven-wings-fire-agateI looked at my stock of gemstones, and decided that the new piece would focus on fire agate, with carnelian & citrine, and turquoise thrown in to make it pop.  I’m really happy with the outcome. Starting with 14 karat gold-filled wire, I make the frame and then select individual gemstones that I weave through the wings using more 14 karat gold-filled wire, the stones, and 14 karat gold-filled spacers and accents. I finish the piece with by crafting a handmade clasp for it all.

These pieces have never made it to my website, they’re only sold at shows. But if you’re dying to have the latest one adorn your neck, let me know, and if I haven’t sold it, we can make arrangements for your purchase.

A few quick facts about these healing gemstones.
Fire agate encourages self-expression and enthusiasm.  Carnelian provides a sense of well-being and provides protection against negativity.  Citrine boots confidence, generosity, and happiness.  Turquoise promotes friendship, loyalty, and peace of mind.  I have more information about healing gemstones on my website, just waiting for you to download it.

Don’t forget to enter the August contest – there’s only a few days left, and you could win!

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