
Gavin’s Security Blanket, part 2

I’m making real progress on weaving Gavin a new security blanket. On Friday I measured the warp

Gavin's security blanket on the warping board

Gavin's security blanket on the warping board

and tied the 390 threads onto the back beam.

Security blanket on the back beam

Security blanket on the back beam

On Saturday I threaded all 390 heddles.

The heddles are threaded

The heddles are threaded

Finally by Sunday afternoon I had the reed threaded, too.

The reed is threaded

The reed is threaded

I’m using every inch of width I have on my little loom for this handwoven blanket. Yes, I thought about doing it doubleweave, but decided against it. Although in some ways it would be easier, for the most part doubleweave, particularly on a counterbalance loom like mine, is more difficult.

During these hours of preparing the loom for Gavin’s security blanket, I’ve thought a lot about the task Caitlin faces – transitioning Gavin to the new blanket. It will neither look, smell, nor feel like his beloved blanket. I never had to face this particular problem with my kids.

Caitlin may well have a plan for how she’ll increase her odds of success, but I think it’d be great if moms, dads, grandparents, or others who’ve dealt with this situation offered the benefit of their wisdom and experience. So please comment – how did you get a new blanket accepted?

5 comments to Gavin’s Security Blanket, part 2

  • Peg Cherre

    Elizabeth & Christal –

    You’ve added some good thoughts. Thanks for offering them.

  • Ok this is a tough one maybe…each child is very different.I don’t really have any experience of my own, but what I would suggest is let him keep both blankets. Actually I would let him have the old blanket by his side if he wishes, until he gets to love the new one as well, but then use the new one in general.Good Luck!

  • Elizabeth

    I think Judy has the right idea. I think it will be a tough sell, though. Perhaps even lightly sewing the old blanket to the new for awhile might help make the transition too.
    best of luck!

  • Peg Cherre

    Great ideas, Judy! Thanks!!

  • Judy T

    It will help Gavin accept the new blanket if it smells like him and his well-loved blanket. The best way to do this is to sneak it into his crib or bed every time he takes a nap or falls asleep for the night. After the new blanket has been with him for a while and has acquired his own special smell, start sneaking the old blanket out for little stretches of time, returning it only if he notices and seeks it out. Eventually, he’ll be comforted by the new one and won’t miss the old one any longer.

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