

At the end of each calendar year I have to do a lot of counting. Counting more than 200 cones, pounds, and skeins of yarn, over 150 finished pieces of weaving, and a remarkable amount of beads and precious metals left from my jewelry-making days, especially given how much I’ve already sold.

I gather […]

A new plan?

I spent some time on the computer planning a rayon chenille turned taquete. I thought I wanted blue, but at the show last weekend I realized what I really needed was reds. So I started a new computer plan with reds. All in all, I probably spent 2 hours of planning time.

Got the warp […]

Towels on the lawn

This afternoon I got the warp of 8 turned taquete towels woven off. Here they all are laid out on my lawn.

I’ve since done the machine hemming. I’ve yet to do the hand hemming, washing, drying, and pressing. I can’t wait to show them to you individually.

Tomorrow I start winding the warp […]

I am LOVING it!

This turned taquete blues warp is amazing!

I like it with a solid color weft.

But I love, love LOVE it with a multi-colored weft.

I’m half way through my warp of 8 towels. The yarn arrived for the next pair of custom baby wraps, and as soon as I get the towels […]

Making decisions

I think I mentioned that I have never before done any fall garden cleanup. Usually by now I’m too busy, too tired, too over-it-all. I changed that decision this year because my house is on the market & I think my gardens have to look at least somewhat presentable regardless of what month someone might […]