
Merry Macomber!

Remember that old Macomber loom I picked up in pieces? Well, with my son’s help it got the finishing touches on it over the holiday. After he left to head back home, I couldn’t wait to get a warp on it.

Having woven only scarves and other wearables to date, I decided to try my […]

I’m Weaving for a Nice Christmas

Like lots of folks around the country and around the world, I don’t have much expendable income this year. I’m struggling to pay my bills each month. So it was simply not an option for me to do my usual Christmas buying. Admittedly, I generally overspend, buying lots more than is reasonable, but not this […]

Macomber Assembly Update

Yikes! I had this post all written, had the photo in and everything, then suddenly, POOF, it was all gone. And I stupidly hit the Update Post button by mistake, saving an EMPTY post!

My original post was much more witty and clever than this do-over. What?! You don’t quite believe me on that?! I’m […]

Loom Puzzle

I admit it. I have harness envy. I LOVE my little four-harness counterbalance weaving loom to pieces. It’s small, it’s quiet, it’s easy to operate. It’s handmade, meaning a woodworker made it especially for a weaver, perhaps her/himself, perhaps a loved one, perhaps even for sale.

Yet, as a 4-harness, and a counterbalance loom […]