
All Wound Up

It took two days and lots of breaks. Breaks long enough to watch movies in between. Literally. I’d wind a bout then sit down & watch a movie. Wind another bout, watch another movie.

Those are long breaks indeed, but that’s what my body needed me to do. This cold is finally breaking, but […]

The mind is willing

But the flesh is oh, so weak.

Since I now have ML & MM’s wraps all ready for mailing, I’d ordinarily spend some time today winding at least part of the warp for my next set of baby wraps today, making PK & JS happy as they watched the progress of their […]

Not Fast

Usually when I’m weaving slowly it’s because there’s a problem at the loom – twisted threads, broken threads, treadles jumping out of their tie up, whatever. Or because I have other obligations – fund raisers, visits with friends & family, getting groceries, etc.

This time it’s because I have a head cold. I’m […]

Visiting with friends…and the loom

My out-of-town friends arrived Thursday afternoon as planned. They live in West-by-God Virginia, so I don’t get to see them all that often. We had a wonderful visit on Thursday, with a delicious 3-course, healthy dinner: baked eggplant parmesan, lentil salad, and ‘cheesy’ cauliflower with no cheese. The first 2 were great, the 3rd was […]

Putting my feet up

I’ve had a busy few days, and the fun isn’t over yet.

I’ve fringed and wet finished those cotton & rayon shawls (pressing still needed). I did a bunch of manual labor in my garage (don’t ask). I worked this morning at a fundraiser for my library. I’ll be back there for 5 hours tomorrow. […]