
This and that

Spring is absolutely my favorite season. I LOVE seeing all the new little plants poke their noses through the soil, watching the colors of the spring blooms, the cooler temperatures of spring vs. summer, and I even like doing the spring garden cleanup. That last item does take time, however, even when I did a […]

Hawks and Hugs

Before we start talking about weaving, I have to share info and pix about nature. Apparently not an uncommon occurrence, especially during migration season, I have never witnesses a ‘kettle’ of hawks before. And it was completely by accident that I saw this group on Sunday. I just happened to go outside and look up.



People can surprise me in wonderful ways as well as in horrid ways.

On Tuesday I listed a batch of 8 Ukraine support towels in my Etsy shop. Yesterday I took one of them to my Guild meeting for show & tell. Told them I’d already been able to donate $250 and would keep […]

More towels coming

I finished the 10 towels on the Ukraine Support warp. Eight of them are in their new homes; I’m waiting for a check to arrive for the last two. I was able to donate $250 from these towels – yay!

But I started a new warp of 8. Almost the same, but I had […]

Ukraine support towels

The yarn I ordered to weave towels for Ukraine support arrived on Thursday.

Before it even got here I’d spent some time at my computer planning the weave structure I’d use for these towels. I decided to keep it simple, and to use a structure I’d used before and found both easy to weave […]